When purchasing Canine Caviar products online, please ensure that the retailer is an authorized Canine Caviar dealer. If the retailer is not authorized, we cannot guarantee the quality or safety of the food. To protect your pet's health, always buy from trusted sources that are officially recognized by Canine Caviar. If you have any questions, please contact our office for assistance.

Thank you for your inquiry. Canine Caviar requires a USA Business License and Resale Certificate for our wholesale accounts in the USA. Retailers purchasing Canine Caviar in the USA are able to ship product in the USA only. For all international inquiries, we will need all the documents required to do business in the specific country and Canine Caviar must be an approved manufacturer in the country. Please provide your location, appropriate business licenses, and any additional links for further information.

Canine Caviar will be participating in the Astro Loyalty Rewards Program


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